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디즈니 명작 OST - 5편 겨울왕국 Love is An Open Door

디즈니 명작 OST - 5편 겨울왕국 Love is an Open Door

Let it go 보다 Love is an open door를 고를 이유는 당연히 더 듣기 편해서 입니다^^

겨울왕국 내용이 참 좋았던 것 같아요. 2편이 나온다죠?

디즈니 역사상 처음 있는 일 같은데요. 디즈니 만화의 특징은 한편한편이 각각 다른 내용이지만 유기적으로 연결이 되어 있답니다.

예를 들자면 엘사, 안나와 라푼젤은 친척이에요.

부모님이 라푼젤의 결혼식에 가다가 배가 침몰....

각설하고요^^ Love is an open door 듣겠습니다.

듣기도 좋고~ 공부하기도 좋고~ 시간때우기도 좋고!

Love is an open door 듣기

Love is an open door 가사

Anna: Okay, can I just, say something crazy?

Hans: I love crazy!

Anna: All my life has been a series of doors in my face
And then suddenly I bump into you

Hans: I was thinking the same thing! ‘Cause like 
I've been searching my whole life to find my own place
And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue

Anna: But with you
Hans: But with you

Hans: I found my place
Anna: I see your face

Both: And it's nothing like I've ever known before
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
Love is an open door

Anna: With you
Hans: With you
Anna: With you
Hans: With you

Both: Love is an open door

Hans: I mean it's crazy
Anna: What?

Hans: We finish each other's—
Anna: Sandwiches!

Hans: That's what I was gonna say!

Anna: I've never met someone

Both: Who thinks so much like me
Jinx! Jinx again!
Our mental synchronization
Can have but one explanation

Hans: You
Anna: And I
Hans: Were
Anna: Just

Both: Meant to be

Anna: Say goodbye
Hans: Say goodbye

Both: To the pain of the past
We don't have to feel it any more
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
Life can be so much more

Anna: With you
Hans: With you
Anna: With you
Hans: With you

Both: Love is an open door

Hans: Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?
Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes!

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